

Best Journalism and Mass Communication College in Gwalior

Journalism and mass communication surfaced as a primary area of interest and has enormously contributed to the development and empowerment of mankind and society.

With the uprising of information technology, Mass media is expanding over the globe effectively.

Careers in mass media and journalism are promising not only a deal of growth and creativity but lucrative paying jobs.

We, at Vikrant University, came up with courses specifically aimed at development such as

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication along with masters.

We shape prominent professionals by setting the benchmarks of quality over the globe.

Programs Offered


SnoName of SchoolProgram NameSpecializationDurationEligibility Criteria  
1SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM AND MASS COMMUNICATIONBachelor of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication (BA:JMC)Journalism & Mass Communication3YR10+2 examination in any stream or equivalent examinationUNDER GRADUATEApply Online
2.Master of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication (MA:JMC)Journalism & Mass Communication2YRBachelor of Arts in Journalism & Mass Communication or equivalent examinationPOST GRADUATE